A Forum 2000 konferencia idén Budapestre is ellátogat. "Putin´s Trojan Horses. Russian influence on the European radical scene" c. pódiumvitán egy cseh vendége Petr Kolář, volt moszkvai és washingtoni nagykövet is részt. Az angol nyelvű rendezvény társszervezője a Political Capital Intézet.
ANGOL NYELVŰ PROGRAM! Az eseményen való részvételi szándékát, kérjük, legkésőbb 2014. október 14-ig jelezze a konferencia@politicalcapital.hu címen!
Discussion Outline:
Following the recent economic turmoil and the crisis of confidence within the European Union, far-right parties have gained considerable support in many EU member states. Due to a peculiar combination of EUhostility, illiberal political orientation and social conservatism, this otherwise heterogeneous political block became an attractive partner for the Putin government. The sympathies appear to be mutual: most of these radical forces have demonstrated a friendly attitude towards the Kremlin’s aspirations during the Ukrainecrisis. Interestingly, some of the segments of these forces epitomize what Putin’s Russia claims to fight in Ukraine – radical nationalism. This roundtable will discuss the spread of pro-Russian policies on the European far right in the broader concept of Eurasianism, and how Europe can react to it.
András Deák, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of World Economics
Petr Kolář, former Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United States and Russia
Péter Krekó, Director, Political Capital Institute
Andrej Nosko, Researcher of Energy Policy and Security
Moderated by János Széky, Journalist, Élet és Irodalom
Időpont: 2014.10.15. (szerda), 16.30
Helyszín: Mozsár kávézó (1065 Budapest, Nagymező utca 21.)
Bővebb információ: Cseh Centrum
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